Studio Etiquette

Welcome to Sweet Santosha! Whether you are new to the practice of yoga or new to our studio, here you can find the answers to all of you burning questions…



Before Class

Please try to arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of class and allow yourself ample time to gather your props, set up your mat and settle in to your space.

If you have not signed the waiver on Mindbody, you can sign one at the door.

If you are having trouble with your Mindbody app, please call 360-638-6171 and we will help you get signed in and pay for your class on line.


Please silence your cell phones or place on “do not disturb” or “airplane mode while in the studio. Please, no cell phones in the yoga room.


The yoga room is a quiet place for all to find relaxation and refuge from the outside world. Please use quiet, respectable voices.


Please, no perfume, cologne or strong scents in the studio.

Personal Space

This is a shared space, be mindful of the space around you. Respect other peoples’ space and leave room for others to lay mats out around you.


Help us keep the room clean- bare feet only in the studio-Leave your shoes at the door. 


Please take blocks to the Change room and spray them, then leave them to dry on the rack.

If you borrowed a mat please spray it, then wipe it and hang it up over the room divider to dry.

Leave blankets on the chair in the lobby we will take care of them.

Bolsters need to have their shams removed then the bolster is returned to the shelf and the cover goes in the laundry basket.

Thank you for your help with the props.